wright_kath 25th June 2008

I have been reading through your lovely stories of my father... OUR father. I want to thank you so much for all sending them. Your stories have immortalized what an incredible man he was - one that obviously impacted all of you greatly. I hope that you all got a chance to read my remembrance of him. If not, it thanked all the Sauve Scholars for giving him some of the best years of his life. His job there, and his connection to all of you incredible humans, made him become his best-self. I have never known him to be more peaceful and connected to himself, to his family and to the world. It's funny how long it has taken me to really access this website, and see what was written... the process of dealing with the loss of both Dad and Mimi will probably take our whole lifetimes to piece together, and make peace with. Your stories will continually remind me of his beautiful life, legacy and impact he had. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and sending love to you all, Kathleen